Sunday, September 15, 2019

August 2019

We were in Sprouts shopping on a crowded day. As I walked past a little girl who was pretty chunky I knew that we wouldn't be able to pass by without Peter making a comment. Sure enough, in his clearest 3 year old voice right as we were stuck in a traffic jam next to her he said, "Mom, do you see that chubby little girl? She's so cute. Look at her chubby cheeks. Do you see them mom??" I knew nothing would stop him so I just commented on how pretty her hair was and tried to shove past them quickly.

In Peter's prayers lately he says "Please help Mommy and Daddy to be happy and to be nice to me."

Lamoni took me to a fancy pizza restaurant for our 7th anniversary and arranged for a couple of our friends to meet us there. Then we walked around Uptown and got Frost ice cream

An outside dance party with Katheryn and Nathaniel.

I did a peach pickup for my mom while she was in Minnesota. This was what happened while I was busy. Plus all the peach juice covering my floor from Peter walking around eating peaches.

The boys sold the leftover peaches for grandma and she let them keep the profit. They earned money for a family fun night so we got pizza and went to see Pets 2.

At an Isotopes baseball game. We just happened to run into Jarrett and Katheryn there. Peter was done with it before we even sat down. 

The Young Men at church had a campout and crawdad boil the next day. Ew but cool to see. They caught over 700 crawdad the night of the campout!

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