Sunday, September 8, 2019

January 2019

Mama: I love you more than you!
Peter: no, Jesus loves me more!
M: ok, Jesus loves you more than me. But just him! 
Peter: Heavenly Father loves me more than you. 
M: ok, and Heavenly Father. Then me! 

Peter talks a lot and it's absolutely adorable! 
Pronounces k like d, no s sound, l like y
E.g. I yuv you mama! 
I no do (go) to bed! 

He always wants people to be happy (despite often teasing Benjamin to tears). Multiple times a day he'll ask: you happy mama? Dada happy? Benji's happy? 

The other day I asked him if he was sad because he was acting like it and he said "no, I dust (just) tired." 

He loves the play place at the mall and asks to go every day. 

He sings at the top of his lungs, even when we're out in public. 

The only time he is still is when watching a movie. 

"I not bite! I dive (give) tisses (kisses)!

He's obsessed with our feet. He talks to, kisses, hugs, nurses and disciplines our feet.

Peter can clap and play (at 2 1/2 years old) all of the twinkle rhythms on the piano! He happily "practices" every day after I practice cello with Benjamin.

He can count to 20.

Tonight I was reading him a book and started coughing. He hugged me and sweetly said, "you otay mama?

Grandma Kara was watching the boys and brought Peter to the bathroom. She told him to "tinkle tinkle" so he sat on the toilet and sang "twinkle twinkle." 😂

For New Years we had a great snowstorm that actually covered the ground.
We had arranged for a babysitter the night of the big snowstorm so we could go on a date. We were the only ones out on the road and the only ones in Macaroni Grill when we got there. We had our own personal waiter and chef. :-)

Lamoni made swords and shields for the boys for a Family Home Evening lesson.

We set a goal for the boys to say "yes Mommy and daddy" when we asked them something instead of whining. Each time they said it they could run put a bean in a jar. It took them a lot longer to fill up the jar than we anticipated but they earned a trip to Santa Fe on the train and ice cream afterwards. The habit has mostly stuck and there's a whole lot less whining going on.

Peter had a fun time on the way there and was very restless on the way back...

Somehow we always have great luck asking strangers to take pictures for us lol.

At church

Trying on the bowtie for Michael and Audrey's wedding.

5 partially eaten apples, compliments of Peter.

Michael and Audrey with all their nieces and nephews.

All 9 siblings together

The 5 girls

Mommy and Daddy

Mother/son dance at the reception

In California for a training. We went early to go to the beach. The boys had a blast with Uncle Michael at Laguna Beach.

We even got some time with Grace.

At the zoo in Albuquerque

Note how many animals he sleeps with.

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