Sunday, September 8, 2019


Peter: I can't see Jesus mom!
Me: That's cuz he's in heaven. When you die and go to heaven you'll see him.
Peter: I want to die right now so I can see Jesus.

I came downstairs to see this one day. I took a picture before I let myself freak out that our 2 year old was holding up a $1200 cello with one hand on the bow.

Trying to trick me into letting them go a step up in carseats/no carseat.

Peter has been eating toothpaste so I hid all of them on the top shelf. That didn't hold him back for a minute.

Annual double birthday picture - 30 and 17 years old.

Watching General Conference. Benjamin enjoyed playing conference bingo with M&Ms.

Peter still has his habit of sitting of smothering our faces.

Jared got to spend some time with us.

We went to California for a conference and went a few days early to go to the beach a few times and Legoland.

Peter wouldn't touch the water because he's convinced that when we run from the waves we're actually running from the sharks.

They probably thought they had died and gone to heaven. Breakfast in the hotel of junky cereal and TV.

Legoland was the perfect experience for them. They could ride almost all the rides and it wasn't too overwhelming. 

The first ride we went on was a roller coaster and thoroughly freaked the boys out. They both cried and Peter tried to climb out of it during the ride. We had to bribe Peter to go on the carousel afterwards because he didn't trust us.

We also bribed Benjamin to go on this bigger scarier roller coaster. The first time he went with me and hid his head the whole time. The second time he went with Lamoni and it ended up being his favorite ride.

We ended up traumatizing Peter by taking him onto a ride in the water park he wasn't tall enough for. That's all he talked about afterwards. It was a pirate ride and made a huge splash in the very cold water - so large that you couldn't breathe for a couple of seconds after a large drop off. It was a bad judgment call on our part.
Here's a direct quote from afterwards: "I don't like the pirates. I don't like the splash. Remember Peter didn't like it. Daddy likes it. Mommy likes it. Peter DOESN'T like it."

At the bugarium in Albuquerque

At A Park Above

Dying Easter eggs

For the first time in years we had an Easter egg hunt at our house

Obligatory monkey bread on Easter

We had another egg hunt at Charity's house after dinner. There were sooo many eggs and just 4 grandkids.

We're having a baby! Due November 24th

Peter is getting really good at independent play.

Walking around UNM with daddy during Benjamin's cello group class.

We were loading up for family dinner one Sunday and when I came back out this is what I saw - Peter sitting in the trunk eating broccoli with his eyes closed (so I couldn't see him).

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