Sunday, September 8, 2019

March 2019

Peter gets a treat after naptime if he's dry. This is how convincing he is:
Peter: Mom, I'm dry! Can I have my treat?
Me: Yay! Let me see!
P: No, you can't see. I'm dry I PROMISE!! Don't look. I'm dry! Pleeease?
*me laughing*
P: I'm not laughing! I'm serious! I'm dry! Don't check.
(His pull-up was soaked)

Peter asked for a big bag of gummy bears at the grocery store. I said "where's your money?" He checked his pockets and couldn't find any. The next day he found some pennies at home and begged to go to Sprouts to buy his gummy bears.
Soon after the Sprouts story, we were at Costco and Peter was begging for some junk food. I told him I don't have money for junk food. He said "yes you do! In your purse! I'll show you!" When I showed him I didn't have any cash he told me to use my card...

After laying Peter down for the thousandth time during his nap, he asked me if I was a bad guy.

He can count up to 12 objects and can sing his alphabet. He recognizes a few letters and yells out excitedly whenever he sees "P for Peter!"

At the park the boys were on the tire swing with a bunch of squealing girls. Benjamin informed them loudly "there is NO need to scream!"

Peter: I'm not 2! I'm almost 3!

Me: Peter you're getting bigger!
Peter: I'm not bigger! You're bigger. I'm small.

Sunday nap

Papa's 60th birthday at Charity's house

Peter is getting good at building Lincoln log houses.

Benjamin is old enough to join in game nights and Grandma and Papa's house.

I was stalking up at Crazy 8 during their going out of business sale. Peter had a fun time keeping himself busy.

I came into the boys room to find this one morning.

Practicing shopping with 3 kids.

Naked and all the bedding from both beds on the floor. Benjamin was buried under it.

Grandma's 53rd birthday at our house. We gave her a luggage set for her upcoming Italy trip.

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