Sunday, September 15, 2019

June 2019

Me: Peter, tell Benjamin sorry for hitting him. 
Peter (bossily): Benjamin, tell her that you like it!

Benjamin: Peter! Stop breaking my legos!
Peter: Go practice your cello!

Benjamin: When I look at Jesus' picture I feel the Spirit and want to choose the right. 

Family dinner at Charity's house

I came outside one day to find this...

Joy babysat the boys and Katheryn while we were out one night.

Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader

Peter is always happy to play the bad guy.

At the Bugarium.

Botanic Gardens

Summer fest kids activities

We waited in line waaaay too long for this, but the boys had so much fun. Everyone watching (myself included) were shocked that Peter could even lift his thing up!

Katheryn's birthday party at Chuck E Cheese.

Benjamin made them Captain America shields.

"Mommy date" equates to ice cream in Peter's mind. So when he begs for a Mommy date I know exactly what he wants.

Joy somehow coerced me into letting Bubbles stay in our back one day while everyone was out of town. Bubbles was very sad Joy was gone so Peter spent a lot of time with him and tried to make him happy. He's very cognizant of people's feelings.

Albuquerque Folk Festival - trying out different instruments.

For Father's Day we surprised Daddy with taking him up to the mountains and going on a hike. We packed some treats for him in our picnic too.

Showing me an owie.

More Star Wars

Ninja Park

I forgot what kind of fruit this was but Benjamin convinced me to buy it. It looked like green jello inside but tasted like a cucumber.

Family Home Evening with Katheryn and Nathaniel

Benjamin's homemade pizza.

Making fireworks out of paint and toilet paper rolls.

Our apricot tree produced even more this year, and Peter thoroughly enjoyed it. I'd find pits and half-eaten apricots all over the yard.

Benjamin without a nap.

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