Sunday, September 8, 2019

February 2019

Quotes from February:
Benjamin: Peter! Don't kick me!!
Peter: I'm not kicking you. My shoe is hitting you.

Peter: Mama, the bath is really hot! Will you blow on it?

Making sugar cookies for Valentine's day

Peter loves to play dying and dead.

Papa showing the grand kids a police truck with all the bells and whistles.

"Playing" the violin using a toy lego crane as a bow.

Every Saturday the boys go to Liberty Club where they learn about our country, eat lunch, watch movies and do fun crafts.

Joy is a fun babysitter!

Playing the cello. Using a golf club as the cello and a lincoln log for the bow.

I have no idea who he is pretending to be, but most of the time he's in some alternate universe in imagination land.

I took Peter to the mall play place during Benjamin's classes one day. When we got there Peter sadly told me, "No friends are here." He is all about the people.

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