It's 4:30 a.m. I am sitting on the couch watching a wide-awake Benjamin play with my teaching sponges. They're in a plastic bag. I don't let him play with plastic bags. This is after he was playing with my phone charger. He's not allowed to play with my phone charger either. It took me a few minutes to get up and take it away from him. Not many things matter at 4:30 a.m. Every time he does something he shouldn't (like eat the sponges he got out of the bag now) and I say, "no no, Benjamin" he looks at me with a huge grin on his face like it's the best game ever.
Lamoni spent from 2-3 a.m. trying to get him back asleep. He stayed asleep for 1 hour before waking up again. His total amount of nap yesterday amounted to 1.5 hours. Total. All day. And the night before that was also a rough sleeping night. I don't know how this baby survives on so little sleep.
In Benjamin's defense tonight, though, I could tell his stomach might have been bothering him because I heard gurgling. Then as I was trying to get him asleep he filled his diaper. So now it should be feeling better, but all that just caused him to be wide awake.... No rubbing eyes, no yawns - just sheer joy to be up and playing.
All weekend I had a teaching conference at UNM with Bill and Doris Preucil. It was great. I was taking notes like crazy. Benjamin spent Saturday with Lamoni getting the garden going. Monday morning Lamoni had class, though, so Benjamin got to spend the morning with his friends Brett and Alana Peterson. I was worried how he would act for Jennie, the mom, since it was so many hours. She says he was great, though, and just played with her kids the whole time! (He did take a half-hour nap after she rocked him to sleep). He loves playing with friends and he thinks toys were created just for him.
Well, there is a baby sitting on my lap now intent on getting to the keyboard so I'll take that as my cue to try to put him back to sleep.
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