Wednesday, June 11, 2014

6.11.14 part 2

Swimming with Tiffani and Yoshi and Heidi and Ruth

Lamoni's birthday lunch at Olive Garden

Shopping at the bread store down the street from us.

Friends Isaiah, Jeremiah and Luke Michael


Both arms out when he was supposed to be going down for his nap. And look at that smile. What a little monster! He reaches and grabs the birds on the mobile and it makes an awful clicking sound that he loves. Note the pointed finger. That's his big thing right now.

Trying to grab the camera.

Lamoni putting our garden in!

He empties out the XS cans and then plays with the box. He's been choosing that over his toy box recently.

Dancing at the library story time. They had a guest guitarist.

With the weighted blanket that Jodi made for him to help him sleep.

More pictures from our trip to Bloomfield.

With Grandma Sam and Lena

He sure makes Christopher look big!

Christopher seemed excited to finally have a boy cousin he could play with. He pushed him around the walker at top speed through the house.

He "begs" for whatever we're eating by spitting, making loud baby sounds til we give in or climbing up onto our laps and grabbing it himself. He always wins because he's so cute. :-)

 This is how we keep him occupied while we get ready in the morning.
You can barely see his diaper. :-)

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