I don't have a picture of him laying his head on it, but this is where he goes as soon as Lamoni starts playing.
Now that he is mobile and very fast he has a few favorite places around the house. His absolute favorite place is the bathroom, though. He crawls as fast as he can when he's free and goes to the bathtub, pulls himself up against it and knocks off each of the shampoo bottles into the tub. The louder the better. Then he cruises over to the toilet then the trashcan, which he likes to dump. The yuckiest place in the house and that's where he goes. He also can push the doors open himself if we don't click them shut. He follows me around the house and climbs up my legs. As soon as I sit down at the table to eat he's right there trying to climb onto my lap since he knows there's food. We feed whatever we're eating to him. He's not very patient about it, though! When he's swallowed his bite he immediately starts spitting or begging (making the same sound over and over in a high-pitched voice) til he gets another bite.
Everyone comments how what a happy baby he is. He's so friendly and always smiles at people. He flirts and plays with them too. The only time he's not happy is when he's hungry or tired, but then we know how to fix it. Yesterday I was without a babysitter for a half hour of a lesson. The mom and sister of this lesson just stared at him crawling around the whole time because he's so entertaining. It's distracting, though! In that half hour he managed to crawl to the front door and eat some carpet, crawl to the cords, bonk his head, grab the student's bow, knock over the stand (I caught it as it was falling), grab on my violin case straps to pull my violin down, climbed up my legs and begged til I picked him up, then tried to throw the pencils from the stand to the ground... the list goes on! Needless to say it was a lot easier after Grace got there to watch him!
This was a box of clothes I had ready to go to the garage. As soon as it gets quiet around the house I know I'm bound to find a mess.
One of the last times in his baby car seat. We got him a big boy car seat where he can sit up. He likes it a lot better except when he goes to sleep because his head just hangs forwards and bobs.
At Hinkle Family Fun Center with Grandma and Grandpa Sam, Mariah and Lena, and Courtney and her kids.
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