Sunday, May 14, 2017

More March

I just noticed there are pictures I missed on my phone all the way back from March.

Since Peter learned to crawl (at 10 months), teaching Joy School has been interesting to say the least.

Nana wasn't doing very well so Mommy decided spur of the moment to drive to California to see her in case she didn't make it. She asked for one of us to go with her to help drive all night so I went! With both boys... luckily adrenaline kept me awake since I found out I was going at 7:30 p.m. and we went to pick up my mom at 8:15 and I was ready to go to sleep already then! We got there and had a good visit with her all day, stayed the night at the Frandsen's house (the family my mom lived with as a teen) and drove back the next morning. Here are pictures from that adventure:

Taking a walk with Grandma while we had a nursing stop.

We found a nearby park during the day to give Nana a little break from the boys. Benjamin had a BLAST!

I took a nap with Peter at the Frandsen's house after we got there since I had driven a good portion of the night and woke up to wetness. He had exploded his diaper through his clothes, on me and the bed. 

In their original bib and high chair.

The Frandsen's have a child's dream toy room. Between the amazing backyard and the toy room the boys were in heaven.

This is a picture Benjamin took of Peter.

We got back and had a girls spa night for Mommy's 50th birthday. Faith and Jason made a quick trip to CA to see Nana right after we did so unfortunately Faith was missing from the fun!

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