Wednesday, April 19, 2017


At The Park Above

We went to Bloomfield for Sid's baby blessing.

Grandma Kara playing during Grace's piano lesson

We finally got a pass to the zoo so we've enjoyed a few trips there. Peter enjoys riding in the stroller and Benjamin is NOT getting used to walking. I foresee a wagon in the near future. We tried the double stroller thing but returned it because it was too bulky.

I had the chance to play a with the NM Philharmonic when world-famous pianist, Olga Kern came. She played Tchaikovsky's 1st Piano Concerto, one of my favorites. That week was very intense. 3 hour long rehearsals most days, lots of practicing and of course all the usual stuff doesn't stop. This picture sums up how that week was! 

My laundry helpers. It's fun trying to fold when they're BOTH in the basket. :-)

At a friend's birthday party at Peter Piper. Not my favorite place. I wouldn't be sad if I never go back.

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