Benjamin is started to read. He can read the first 5 Bob books. Right now he's doing more word memory than sounding out, but he can sound out a little bit when he forgets what a word is and then he can usually get it. He has a long way to go, but it's cute seeing the first signs.
A couple weeks ago he had 2 big concerts - one at UNM with his cello group class where he played Ice Cream Cone (twinkle variation) and Cuckoo, and that afternoon I had my studio recital where he played Peanut Butter Sandwich (another twinkle variation). He did such a good job. Grandma Melinda happened to be in town and was able to catch the afternoon performance. Miss Lisa wants him to aim to have his twinkle graduation this summer! That's 7 twinkles.
Peter is 11 months old and has 2 teeth - a lower middle and a top side. He looks so awesome when he does his big grin! haha. Like a jack-o-lantern. Peter is starting to mimic words. He says "hi" regularly, Also: bye, uh-oh, all gone, Dada and thank you. He calls Benjamin "Buh" or "Boy"and babbles like he can converse with us. Lamoni and Benjamin were on a camp out with the ward and when Peter woke up in the morning he crawled all over the house calling "boy! boy!" looking for Benjamin. He also said Mama one time when I was ignoring him to finish dinner. He yelled it loudly: MAMA! He enjoys copying Benjamin's fussy noises. He can match pitches astonishingly well and enjoys singing songs with actions (he's starting to mimic them) and playing games like peek-a-boo and pat-a-cake. He is cruising all over the place, walking with a walker, walking holding on to the wall and has stood a few times alone. He has been trying to go down to just 1 nap a day but isn't ready for that yet. At night he nurses at 12, 3 and 6 still. Sometimes he can make it with just 12 and 6. The worst is when he does 12 and 4 because by the time he's done it's 4:30 and then I'm wide awake for the day. The problem is I usually don't go to bed till after his midnight feeding so it makes for a very sleepy next day. He won't co-sleep at all anymore, so I get him from his crib, nurse him in bed and then bring him back to his crib when he's done. He's currently crying in his crib because he won't go to sleep for his afternoon nap. Benjamin takes his nap in my room now.
For whatever reason (perhaps lack of teeth?), Peter has very minimal interest in food. He is 11 months old and still exclusively breastfed (minus occasional bites of food when he's interested). I am anti-feeding baby food to my kids because it's inconvenient, takes money and time and nursing is so much easier. Whenever we put food in front of him or try to give him a taste he turns his head away. He's obviously well-nourished to I'm not concerned about it, but it's yet another example of how he's still very baby. He's in no rush and seems to enjoy taking his time. I'm enjoying it too. :-)
Charity brought up that I never updated how Benjamin is now officially an awesome sleeper. He still takes awhile to go to sleep at night (sometimes 2 hours in bed before he's out!) but he sleeps til 7:30-8 a.m. and takes a nap from 1-3 usually (sometimes just 1 hour). He doesn't dread or throw fits anymore for naps and will go to sleep quickly. If he wakes up early (he's still a light sleeper) and tries to get up I can tell him it's not time to get up yet and he'll usually go back to sleep.
Wednesday morning is when we do baths. Peter likes short baths - about 15 minutes - and then I put him down for his morning nap. Benjamin can easily stay in for 1.5 hours. I clean the bathroom, do my makeup, computer work and fold laundry in there. Usually he gets out just in time for us to quickly get him dressed, wake Peter up and head off to cello lesson and shopping. Saturday Cello group class is over for the summer. It was fun and Benjamin made a ton of progress from the beginning to the end of the school year. I must admit it's nice to have our Saturday morning back, though! He is still taking private cello lessons and has 2 more weeks of Joy School.
I have forgotten most of the cute things the boys have done or said, but here are a couple I posted on Facebook:
(during the Mother's Day lesson when the women got to go to Relief Society)
Me: "What did you learn in primary today, Benjamin?"
Long long pause.
B: "You know what we learned in primary when all the girl teachers were gone and the boys taught us? NOTHING!!"

Benjamin: Mom, do you think we should give Peter back now so he can't get to my cello?
Me: Back where?
B: Back in your tummy.
Benjamin: Mom, do you know why I like you?
Me: Why?
B: Because we're not allowed to say I don't like you.
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