Monday, September 29, 2014


Benjamin loves to look at the pictures we have up in our house, including the pictures of Jesus. A couple times he has said "Jesus" while pointing at his picture. By the time I get Lamoni in there to hear it, though, he won't say it anymore (there's not much he does on command haha). Well, as any mom knows, a new skill doesn't count until there's another witness for it! Well, I played the piano for a wedding at our church building last weekend. I was holding him while talking to the Bishop about the ceremony. We were standing under the same picture of Jesus that we have. Then clear as day, Benjamin pointed and said "Jesus!" The Bishop was astounded and I was thrilled to have a witness. :-) I later told my family and Joy said he has been saying Jesus for a few weeks to her while she shows him the pictures while babysitting. So I guess I had a witness anyway...

Here is a picture next to the same stool of Benjamin at 3 months and then at 10 months.

His big thing right now is to *stand* on his motorcycle. Talk about a heart attack for me!

We've had a lot of fun with Joseph when he was here for a few litweeks. He, Jacob and Michael came over and played some sort of strategy game with Lamoni. Benjamin and I escaped to my parents' house for a girls night.

Here I am with Deruchette's little Dantes - he weighs as much now at 2 months old as Benjamin did at birth!

He had a fun time hanging out on Grandpa Bear's shoulders. We were in Bloomfield for Dantes' blessing last weekend and again this weekend for family pictures.

Lamoni lecturing all the nieces and nephew.

Duck pond with Luke Michael and his family. Benjamin said "duh? duh? duh?" for duck and said "woof woof" - the sound that all animals make in Benjamin's world.

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