Sunday, September 14, 2014

10 Months Old

Benjamin just turned 11 months so I wanted to finally finish his 10 month pictures. He is walking now! He can walk across the church gym all by himself! He also is obsessed with dogs. He says "dah" for dog and then goes "woof woof"! Everything goes woof woof. His toy motorcycle, his ball, his cars, the picture of Jesus... When we need to keep him happy we just put on a youtube video of dogs barking and he watches with full concentration throwing back a "woof woof" occasionally in response.

Both banana toothbrushes at once!

Watering the flowers. Sometimes I spray to close and cover him in mud. :-/

Fresh tomatoes from the garden are a treat.

I love sleeping pictures. He really likes sleeping with his head on a pillow.

Discovering a baby - this is one of my student's new brother. He was intrigued but was quickly bored with him. 

At Brett's 3rd birthday party.

They were *supposed* to be stacking donuts, but that quickly became a donut-fest for Benjamin! Note the donuts in both hands.

He likes to play with older kids.

Watching Rocky with Daddy.

Lamoni volunteered to watch Faith and Jason's kids. I happened to be teaching at the same time so he got to take FIVE kids to the park. :-)

Still the obsession with steering wheels.

Enjoying the grass at my parents' house.

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