Friday, April 4, 2014


I dropped Joseph, Sara and Joy off at the airport to go to Peru and a couple other South American countries for a few weeks. It was weird being the one to drop off instead of the one to get on the plane. I think it will be a big growing experience for Joy. I was thinking that down the road I'd like to start a program where teenage kids can go to developing countries and serve. It is such a good recipe for selflessness and growing up. I know when I went to Russia as a teenager and worked in the orphanages with disabled orphans I developed empathy and a deep testimony of Jesus Christ's love for all of us. I saw a drastic change in Charity when she came with me to Russia when she was 13 years old for the first time. I would like to see that in all the youth and I can't think of a better way than an opportunity for service among those much less fortunate than us. I hope Joy will have the same awakening while she's there. So, I guess it's ok that it's them going on the trip and not me. :-) 

Remember last post where Benjamin is sleeping in Faith and Jason's swing? Well, they lent it to us and a couple nights ago he slept in it for five hours, then I fed him and he slept for another four hours. That is honestly the most I have slept in a row since before he was born!

Here are some pictures of the last few weeks:

Benjamin likes to smile at us...

 Not the camera!

Modeling a cute hat at Buy Buy Baby

He loves to mess with his pacifier. Since a couple months old he could take it out and put it in by himself. Some people try to help him because they think he can't put it right-side in, but he just loves chewing on it and sucking on it upside-down sometimes! And no, I don't think it's because he's teething because he's always done that.

We couldn't resist...

Testing out cars for the future. I think Lamoni's love of nice cars has already rubbed off on him.

In the Audi he's standing up. He grabbed onto the steering wheel and just pulled himself into a standing position! First time he's ever pulled himself up. I ran to grab him but Lamoni insisted I wait til he took a picture. :-)

A little blurry but I love that smile!

I'm thinking that Benjamin might have some sensory processing issues. He usually wakes up every hour (even during the night) and someone suggested I try a weighted blanket. We don't have one yet, so I thought about using books. I knew my music history books would be handy one day! He slept for 2.5 hours like this. Usually he wakes up right after we get home if he's in the car seat.

Playing with his friend, Joseph, at our marriage class at the institute. Joseph is 11 months (Benjamin is 5 months) but they're the same size!


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