Tuesday, April 22, 2014


This is how I have time to get my blog updated... He LOVES playing the piano. He'll sit there the longest time just banging away and shrieking at the top of his lungs (maybe he thinks he's singing?)

We were in Las Vegas last weekend for a business conference. Here w are with the 27 year old Emerald speakers - Dustin and Amy Delay. Benjamin got to suck on my chocolate shake straw from In-N-Out. He thought that was pretty cool!

He showed off how he knew how to drink XS (he just doesn't know what it tastes like yet!). Doyle Yager did a mini-photo shoot of him with an XS can because he thought it was so cute! We went to the pool between sessions and he enjoyed kicking his feet in the water.

Now that he can roll/scoot all over he likes getting into things he shouldn't be into.

He LOVES playing with toys. As long as he's not tired or hungry he'll sit and play with toys by himself. Look at his cute smile in this picture!

He gets along well with Uncle Jarrett. Jarrett watched him at UNM for me while I played the piano for Charity's preview for her recital and when we went to the temple.

He enjoys daddy playing guitar and ukulele for him.

...and playing with Daddy after work/school.

He goes a little overboard with the pacifiers!

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