Sunday, November 14, 2021

June 2021

Brotherly Love

These two have become such good buddies and play together so well now.

Trying out potty training. We 

Playing at Grandma's with cousins at Sunday night family dinner.

Baby Jocelyn snuggles

I watched a friend's kids and she brought me a smoothie as a thank you. Between Liam and the older boys I only got a few sips! It's good to find something he'll actually consume, though.

The boys aren't allowed to come downstairs til their morning routine is done (dressed, teeth brushed, room clean, bed made). Sometimes they like to test boundaries and sit on the stairs because they're "not downstairs."

Harry Potter doing his school work.

We got soooo many beautiful apricots off our tree this year. We all ate 5-10 per day and still had a bunch to give away to students. There's not much better than fruit straight off the tree warmed from the sun.

Practicing Harry Potter spells

He's probably lying on the couch listening to Alexa. That's his go-to thing to do after he's a "free boy".

We went to the Aquarium with some friends.

Liam was not sure at all about Jocelyn!

Father's Day!

I try to take one of the boys with me shopping for special time (I no longer shop with the 3 boys if I can help it!!). Benjamin fell asleep as soon as we started. Poor guy must have been exhausted!

Apparently I have a picture like this with each of Charity's kids. It would be fun to put them side by side!

This is what a boy's gotta do when he doesn't have a swimming pool. Peter has been begging for us to buy a house with a swimming pool. I told him when he's an adult he can get one. I will never have a swimming pool with kids. Sooooo scary!

The boys are both enthralled with Jocelyn. Whenever I say that Liam is the cutest baby Peter adds "and Jocelyn."

If the boys beat the timer for their morning routine every morning for a week they get to pick out a treat - a donut, frosty or toy from the dollar store. It is totally worth the dollar and time to have the boys working fast and starting our day on time!

Our vacuum cleaner died so we needed to get a new one. When I googled the average lifespan of a vacuum it was 8 years, which is exactly what ours made.

These are my old broken glasses frames. Peter wears them most places we go. He is such a character!

Benjamin recreated a picture with Liam of when he was just a few months old.

Liam joins us for school. He enjoys coloring.

Watering the fruit trees.

We got so much mileage out of this water table.

One of my students gave this toy to Peter for his birthday.

Dutch oven peach cobbler. We didn't have time to do it on our camping trip since we had to leave early to see baby Jocelyn, who was born the day we left! So we made it at my parents after family dinner one Sunday.

Faith had gone on the camping trip with us when Charity had the baby. As soon as we got back Faith and I booked it over there to see the baby and Lamoni had a movie night with 9 kids and Ryan.

On our camping trip we went on a really hard hike that led to some old mines. The mines made the hike worth it. They were so nice and cool inside and we could explore as far back as we wanted.

The view from the mines.

On top of being a hard trail, it was also muddy! It rained again on our way back down.

Peter is very scared of rain and thunder but he did it!

We had a great time with Faith and her kids visiting!

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