Playing basketball in our neighborhood park.
This is a cool rock wall at the place we go. It's see through so you can see and race the person on the other side of you.
Peter loves beautiful things and asks for me to take pictures of him by them.
The boys spent hours this month recreating scenes from the scriptures and having me take pictures. This led into making videos which became their next kick. Lamoni was hired as their cameraman though. I guess his video skills surpass mine.
Benjamin doing the signs for "My Own Sacred Grove" in primary.
Church is during nap time which is hard for Liam. And us.
Swimming lessons with Olivia. We did schoolwork and played with the kitty during lessnos.
It's been so hot so we have spent a lot of time at Urban Air instead of the park.
The boys wanted the top membership there so bad, which includes the rock walls, zipline and popcorn each visit. We made an agreement that we'd upgrade it if they pay the difference. It's only $4 each so Benjamin works for Grandma and then pays for him and Peter!
Liam takes out any game or puzzle from the closet that he wants and is so good about putting them away already.
Being in the same ward as my parents definitely has its perks. Some Sundays it's just me and Lamoni sitting together in peace and quiet!
Family movie night with Charity's kids.
We found a really fun park downtown that had these fountains to play in.
We had Charity's kids with us too. At first the kids were hesitant but by the time we needed to leave they were all begging to stay.
2 of the Liam's 4 basic food groups - pesto pasta (only with Penne. No other pasta) and yogurt. He would rather starve and scream all night in hunger than eat anything outside of his 4 foods.
Working from home is really effecient.
Peter telling Benjamin secrets ("I love you so much! You're the best brother!") when Benjamin unbuckles him.
On the way to Charity's house for Sunday dinner.
Lamoni is a favorite with kids.
We discovered Top Golf because Kathryn has a work pass that gets us in for free for as many hours as we want. The first time we stayed 4 hours because Lamoni loves it soooo much! I actually like it too.
One of the moms in our homeschool group offered a sports camp during the summer. We only got to go to basketball a couple times but Benjamin really liked it. Peter and Liam just sat with me.
We actually got to go to a conference in person this year! Lamoni and I headed out to Nashville for the weekend and the kids stayed with Joy. We met up on our way back in town at Charity's house for fireworks.
Peter did not like the noise they made so he and Katheryn watched from the window.
Obligatory Opryland Hotel picture
The day we left Liam had the first fever in his life! It was so sad to leave him. Joy took good care of him and just held and rocked him that day and his fever broke during the night.
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