Liam is 16 months old. We counted up how many words he could say the other day and we counted 39! We're starting to make out sentences too, like "I want down!"
Family Easter picture. Note Peter's legs - Lamoni pointed out recently that almost every family picture taken his body is twisted somehow...never straight.
Easter egg hunt
Liam quickly learned how to open eggs.
Easter tradition of monkey bread for breakfast.
Watching General Conference while eating hard boiled eggs and Easter candy.
I can't tell if he's sucking chocolate off Peter's face or giving him a kiss.
Grandma always hosts an Easter egg hunt in the grassy area behind their house.
It's so great to be able to eat in restaurants again. We went to Mongolian BBQ for my birthday and my parents' anniversary while Grammy was in town.
Liam has a huge obsession with balloons. He is very possessive of them too.
As well as with balls.
Date night at BJ's for pizza.
Liam loves to spend time with his uncles.
I got quite a few hours of good family history time in while Grammy was visiting.
On a hike with our home school group.
At the zoo
Such a cute baby!!
He's been reading books alone now.
This is Peter's duck, Gui Gui. He named him a long time ago and has quite a story of his origins that we luckily have recorded. He thinks Gui Gui is real and takes him everywhere with him. Here he's drawing a portrait of him.
Much fun is had (and messes made) when cousins come to play!
At the botanic gardens. Peter stayed like this for quite a while staring at the coy fish in the duck pond.
This child. I sent Lamoni and the boys on a Sunday morning walk and this is how Peter came back. Sticks in hand, pockets filled with "kristoff" (crystal) rocks for his collection and covered in dirt and mud.
When the pandemic started Peter began tying up his toys. It's hard to tell in the picture, but they're all tied up with rubber bands.
Playing peek a boo in his car. He likes to hang out in here and have the boys push him around at top speeds all through the house.
The boys take their art time very seriously.
I spilled some of my drink on the ground and when I came back with a towel saw the boys lapping it up off the floor!
Helping wash the floor
Liam will enlist anyone to read a book to him.
At Tingley Beach and park
This is the stack of books they got through during quiet time.
Owl pellet dissection at homeschool group
It's rare to see Peter concentrate and stay on a task so long.
The boys spend hours playing legos.

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