And that will be the last time I leave the baby soap within his reach...
Trying to get Peter to smile.
Look at these rolls!! And only 1.5 months!
Brother time
I don't remember what we were coming home from, but I like this picture.
Benjamin dresses himself most days and alternates between his Captain America and Batman shirt. There are many tears on the days that his shirts are in the wash.
Benjamin was flipping pancakes for me while I was on the phone and he got his first burn! :-( He refused to let me put water or ice on it (we didn't have any milk). Only kisses. He's a great pancake maker, though!
We've loved having Lamoni around all summer!!
He doesn't melt against me like this very often anymore. :-(
We went to visit Nobuko!
I tried on clothes at The Limited just for fun. This adorable outfit cost $100. It will be nice when I can get it. :-)
Play group at the splash pad. This is the one spout that he will play with. The rest of them get in his eyes. Whenever other children would try to play in "his" spout he would glare at them til they left.
I walked into the room one day to this. It makes me happy!
I made Olive Garden's gnocchi soup. It was delicious but I think it's cheaper and faster just to go to Olive Garden!
We got a good laugh out of this picture.
Story time at the library. Look at him studiously coloring. He recently started coloring in the lines! Here is what he colored:
We enjoy having Katheryn over while Charity teaches.
He thought his hairdo was pretty funny from the water gun and his hat.
This is how we party it up after the kids go to bed - take out the Halloween and Easter candy we confiscated months ago!
This is the second time a blowout happened on me that day. And that is when we decided to move up to size 3 diapers.
Randomly out of nowhere Benjamin had a really rough couple days where he got all his naughtiness out from the whole year. I guess there was a lot built up since he has been such a good 2 year old! Here he is cleaning off the crayon from all over his bedroom walls. He also got the living room.
We spent one Saturday taking the Turquoise Trail behind the Sandia Mountain. We spent most of the time in Madrid, an adorable ghost-town turned art-town. We stopped in Cerillos afterwards to see what was there. This "children's playground" had multiple signs advertising it throughout the town. We laughed when we saw it but had a lot of fun.
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