Tuesday, May 10, 2016

California - April

We went to Los Angeles for a business function and drove over a day early so we could have a fun day at the beach. It was especially nice because Lamoni's dad came with us. Benjamin has not been sick since last time we were in CA (in January) when he got a bad fever. Well, the day we were supposed to leave on the trip he woke up from his nap after acting weird all day with a fever. It got over 103! Lamoni gave him a special blessing before we left and the next day (we drove all night) he woke up as good as new - no trace of fever or sickness! Phew!

We decided to pick a random beach and ended up at Dana Pointe. A little different than the beaches we were used to, but a lot of fun! We got to watch a surfing competition too.

We got to spend some time with Uncle Joseph, who is living in San Diego!

The midwife told me not to carry Benjamin anymore so Joseph got the honors. It about killed him.

Santa Monica pier was a blast. We went there in the evening.

My old iPhone camera does do the colors justice that we saw off the pier. It was absolutely gorgeous.

Swimming at the hotel with Uncle Michael.

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