Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Baby Peter

I'm 37 weeks now and feeling very ready to have Peter. :-) I try to remind myself it could easily be another 4 weeks...  Lamoni wants me to aim for his birthday on the 29th. We'll see. He dropped last week which makes it sooo much nicer. I can breathe again and sleep better - because I can breathe. Surprisingly the heartburn hasn't gotten better, but it's manageable.

Here's a bunch of weekly pictures since it doesn't look like I've posted any recently. Notice the difference from week 28 - beginning of the 3rd trimester to week 36. And he's only gotten bigger this past week! He has had a major growth spurt the last few weeks. I think he heard the midwife say she doesn't think he will be a 9 lb baby like Benjamin and he's trying to prove her wrong!

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