Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Baby Bump

I was so good about taking a picture every single week when I was pregnant with Benjamin, but poor Peter isn't going to have many at all! This pregnancy is flying by. Here are a few I remembered to take. Today is my first day in maternity pants! All of mine from Benjamin were either summer capris or too big since I gained so much more weight with him. I've gone to many stores to try on pants but hadn't found any I liked enough to buy til this week. Old Navy wins! I tried on 4 pairs and loved all 4 - that doesn't even happen when you're not pregnant. I got 2 of them online and love them so much. I told Lamoni I'll be sad not to be pregnant anymore since I won't be able to wear them. I noticed Peter hasn't been moving around as much this afternoon since I don't have a button encroaching on his space. I'm sure he appreciates that.

After looking at the only 3 pregnancy pictures I have, it occurred to me that I must like stripes!

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