Sunday, October 25, 2015

Michigan and Ohio

We had Free Enterprise Celebration in Toledo at the beginning of October. We figured since it was a week before Benjamin's second birthday we would take him with us since it was our last chance to have him fly free. We were unable to find a sitter in Toledo, however, so we ended up flying Grace out (her first flight!!) last minute, so that defeated the whole purpose of the free ride. Oh well. It was still fun. :-)

I will spare you the details of the nightmare of almost missing our flight (despite getting off at the airport exit 2 hours early), but it's a good story if you want to hear it. You really can't beat it.

Look how awake he is at 4 a.m.!!

Asleep at the hotel. I thought the mini-crib was adorable.

We got to meet some cousins on my mom's side in Ann Arbor, Michigan. One of the little boys is exactly Benjamin's age. Look at that fun play room!!

 Lamoni got to reunite with his sister, Kalli, who he hasn't seen in a long time and I got to meet her. We stayed with her in Detroit our first night (we got in at 7 a.m., so I guess you can hardly call that a night!).

Benjamin had fun playing with her son, Kaiden. 

We were happy to bump into some friends and mentors, Frank and Joan Mazzeo, at the conference.

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