Sunday, October 25, 2015

At 2 Years Old I Can...

Sing songs. Favorites are I Love to See the Temple and Follow the Prophet "Follow the Prophet, Follow the Prophet, Don't Stray!" (at top of lungs)

Turn everything into a ball game - baseball/football/soccer/basketball

"play" the cello - saying all the parts of the cello (my violin) and bow, making a bow hold and with help bowing open strings.

Identify all of the basic colors. His favorite color is blue.

Count from 1-10 missing a few numbers (1,2,3,4,6,7,8,10).

Sing parts of the alphabet.

Run, jump, jump off of things, climb jungle gyms, starting to skip.

Speak in full sentences. Noun, verb, D.O. and a modifier of some sort in there.

Play pretend.

Understand and talk about feelings - sad/happy/mad/scared/brave etc.

Follow 2 step commands. "Wipe your hands and face on the towel then hang the towel up."

Go all day in the toilet. No more potty chair. Rarely an accident, but still in diapers at night. Most mornings he's dry, but there's still a few in there that make diapers the best choice still. :-)

Talk endlessly about trains, cars, airplanes, tractors, trucks.

Do puzzles galore! - wooden toddler ones on his own, board ones with help.

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