Saturday, July 12, 2014

Fourth of July

I feel very accomplished getting all these posts up. Meanwhile Lamoni is cleaning the kitchen! Again. I actually love cleaning but I love it more when he does it!

We spent the 4th at Mel and Melinda's house. For the firework display we made the 1.5ish hour drive to Mancos, CO. It's a beautiful drive but Benjamin sure did not like the drive home in the dark. He has a hard time when it's dark and there are people in the back because he's distracted enough not to fall asleep but not entertained enough to stay happy since he can't see anything. Melinda showed the same videos that he liked over and over on her phone. As soon as the phone turned off he was hysterical again. He finally fell asleep right outside of Bloomfield. It could be a long trip to Lake Winnie next month (24 hours) if he keeps that up! Faith and Jason and the kids were also visiting (as well as Mariah, Dentin and Lena who live nearby) so there was some good cousin time.

Crepes for breakfast

He neither cried nor was scared by the fireworks! He mainly stared at them and then crawled around after he got bored.

Other random pictures I came across:

This is how Lamoni gets all A's in all his drawing pictures like this during them!

Isn't he looking all grown up?!

Ok, I'm going to officially stop organizing pictures and blogging and go prepare my primary lesson for tomorrow. I teach the 8-9 year olds and it's so much fun! We're studying the Old Testament right now and I enjoy seeing how the manual applies the lessons to their lives. They're very creative.


Friend time:

Yoshi came over...

and we went to Wes's house

Time at Grandma Kara's...

Chasing Bubbles...

and playing with Dad.

Grandpa Bear snuggles and Sam family video games

"Helping" dad to babyproof the cabinets. He gets so frustrated trying to open them now. When he can't get it open where it's supposed to open he goes to the other side of the door and tries digging his fingers in between the hinges to see if it opens from that side.

I often have a little face peering up at me - especially when I'm running around trying to get something done. I sure love that face, though! Note the toe sticking out of his pajamas - there is always a toe sticking out of his pajamas!

Bruschetta - One of Lamoni's fancy meals he makes

Playing a game with Lamoni - he would throw a tie over the crib railing and Benjamin would try to grab it before Lamoni pulled it back. Look at his concentrated face!

He recently acquired a fascination for books - usually the books I'm reading (most have bent pages now) but sometimes I can keep him occupied with his own book.

Saying Please

             We finally found an app for video editing and Lamoni was able to rotate the video.              No more sideways videos!

9 months old

Benjamin is adorable as always. Lamoni started teaching him the baby sign for "please" a couple days ago. I wasn't planning on doing baby sign. I figured they have their own way to tell what they want and I didn't want to work hard on something he would only use for a little bit until he talks. He learned it so quickly, though, (two days) and it's so cute that I think we might add to his "vocabulary". He doesn't always do it, but I'm sure he'll get more consistent with time.

He likes to walk around the house, not crawl. He pushes his walker, the table or cruises along holding onto things. He has learned that he can't push the piano bench, my teaching stool or the kitchen chairs. He sticks his bottom waaaay out pushing things to get the momentum going enough to move on the carpet.

He is 9 months old today. He is a tease and enjoys being silly with us. He likes to play as soon as he gets up in the morning. He plays peek-a-boo with anything he can put in front of his face - like the shower curtain. The toilet is still his favorite place. We baby-proofed all the cabinets. I left one cupboard in the kitchen (and the drawers) and one in the bathroom open so he can play while I'm in those rooms. It's typical to walk into the kitchen with all the contents from the drawers strewn across the floor. But at least he's occupied! I want to get him blocks or something to help keep him busy, but then I don't want to be picking up blocks all the time either!

As soon as I get him up from his naps (he still sleeps in the swing swaddled and with a pacifier) he is immediately curious and shows what everything he's looking out with his pointer finger on his outstretched arm. He also peers around the corner excitedly to see if I have any students there. Whenever we answer the door for students he is so smiley and friendly. I think he thinks they're there for him.

Recently he started clapping whenever we say "yay!" or "good job!" I have him turn on the lights sometimes (with help of course) and I guess I always say good job because as soon as he turns on a light now he starts clapping. Sometimes he gets waving and clapping mixed up. If we say "hi" or "bye" he'll clap sometimes and then he'll wave if we say "good job". He catches himself occasionally, though, and then switches.

Lamoni and I try to go on dates regularly without Benjamin. When he's with us both of us have our attention fixated on him usually. We went to see How to Train a Dragon today and left him with Jarrett and then Charity when she was done teaching. It was funny because a bunch of things during the previews and movie reminded us of him and we'd lean and whisper to each other how it made us think of him.

He's constantly babbling. He says things that sound so much like words now instead of just consonant streams. He also says mama! Yay! I've waited a long time for that one. And he mimics our inflection and sounds we make. It's cute to hear him matching our pitch. He enjoys singing along at the top of his lungs still.

Those are the 9 month updates!

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

New skills - 8 months old

He opens and empties all the drawers. And the cupboards. I need to get a picture of that still, though. He loves to swing the doors open and shut and occasionally gets himself stuck in a room.

Yes, he's really doing that.

Making sure we have all our food storage in order.

Trying to climb out of the playpen. He stands on his toys and pulls at the top. He does not like to be constrained!


I thought his foot was cute.

I can't remember if I've already posted this one, but I put a piece of fruit on his tray, left the room for a minute and when I came back the piece of fruit was on the ground and somehow he had gotten the power cord we're always trying to keep away from him!

I love naked pictures of him. He urinates often on the floor, but that doesn't stop me from letting him go naked. Lamoni is scared of it, though. :-)

He actually fell asleep on me while I was talking on the phone! First time when he wasn't sick.

Uncle Joseph came to visit and fed him Cold Stone.

This is how he often crawls around - with a piece of food hanging out of his mouth.

Here he is yelling for us to get him out.

 This is how I kept him quiet during a lesson where the babysitter had to leave early.

So handsome!

Problem solving

Scroll down to see what a fantastic problem solver we have on our hands. I think we need a baby gate now!

After he made it through, Lamoni put a backpack under the chairs...he weaseled his way around it. Then when the chairs were appropriately blocked off, after whining a bit, he crawled down the hall, through the front entry and went entered the kitchen through the other entrance!