Friday, May 23, 2014

More updates

Benjamin had a staph infection last week on his pelvis area. Luckily we caught it early and he's just finishing his antibiotics and it's all gone! Medicine is like magic! I don't like to use it for everything, but it's sure nice in situations like this.

Benjamin likes to have spitting contests with people. He never runs out of spit! I caught a video of the very end of one he was having with Lamoni. Unfortunately he saw me recording on the phone and nothing will distract him from lunging for a phone...

He recently has been able to scoot forwards which is a big accomplishment, because for the longest time he could only go backwards and sideways. Then, just a couple weeks later he started crawling. It was really cute because at first he would go on his tippy-toes with his bottom way up in the air and crawl like that. The last few days, though, he's been crawling normally. He is so mobile now that he follows me when I'm in a different room (half crawling half scooting) while whining loudly.

He does this really cute thing where he keeps his pacifier in his mouth whenever he sneezes! He must hold onto it with his gums.

We've had a lot more time with Lamoni which has been nice. He quit work because he has a five hour class Monday-Thursday. They would have let him work just Friday and Saturday but we thought it would be too much since he'll likely have to study for his classes and then we'd rarely see him. So he quit! That was a little scary, but we'll be fine through the summer with our other income. The plan is for him to get a social work job in the fall so he can get experience in his field and so we can save some more since all of his summer school and his whole Master's degree will be out of pocket. Ouch!

Tuesday we went to the zoo with our friends, Rachel and Luke Michael.

 Cousin time

 Mother's Day flowers from Lamoni under the picture he drew me 7 years ago!

We're trying to transition the baby from the swing to the bed. Remember, the swing is the only place he will sleep longer than an hour. He is getting too big for it, though, and I'm worried he'll fall out and we won't hear him at night. I came in the other day and he had wiggled himself halfway out of the tie that we tie him in with. However, that means he is up most hours of the night. It has been a really rough last few nights. So rough that he actually stayed asleep for a few minutes in a public place!

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