Wednesday, November 20, 2013


Benjamin has been making the cutest baby noises. After he's fed and pooped and therefore in a good mood he will play with us and copy sounds we're making (or maybe we copy him...). In any case, it's like we're having a conversation with him and he'll go back and forth a long time! He also enjoys playing with certain noise-making toys with us and having books read to him. He's so attentive to everything.

We had his baby appointment yesterday. He now weighs 12 lbs at 5 weeks! He is also 23 inches long. His weight is in the 80th percentile and height in the 75th percentile! He is getting ginormous.

Bringing him places is like being with a celebrity. Everyone wants to look at him and he is such a ham that he eats it all up. He's currently on Lamoni's lap next to me just staring at me. Nothing breaks his stares. :-)

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