Monday, November 18, 2013


He reminds us of a hedgehog when he's in the Moby. After he's been overstimulated by looking around he lays his head down on my chest and falls right asleep. 

Our first family picture. The cute suit outfit is from Debra Spencer.

We took Benjamin to Lamoni's Child Development class this morning. The teacher just ate him up. She held him and brought him to every student in the classroom while commenting on how far ahead he is developmentally (I'm sure being 2 weeks late has something to do with this...). He is such a ham! He just smiled, stared and made cooing sounds the whole time. He recently started playing a game with us where we stick our tongues out at each other and he played it with her! She commented on what a quiet peaceful baby he is and that we must have a very calm home. Little did she know that as soon as I got to the car with him he was back to his normal loud self now that he didn't have an audience! It helped that the classroom has florescent lights. He loves those.

His great bed head. :-)

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