Cute things often happen with Benjamin and then I have the hardest time remembering what they were! I just thought of one, however, so I figured I had better post it quickly.
I was wearing him in the wrap one day (face in) and he was really grumpy. He finally fell asleep and I went to get something to eat. I very carefully opened a jar of peaches and was eating as carefully as I could because I knew if the fork even clinked on the glass it would cause him to wake up and scream (he's only a light sleeper when he's grumpy). Well, I ate a few peaches and all of a sudden low and behold, he woke up and screamed. I was really disappointed because I had been so careful and I couldn't figure out what caused him to wake up. I left the kitchen bouncing him to try to get him back to sleep when I looked down - a portion of a peach must have slid off my fork because there on the bridge of his nose was a peach just lying there!
We went to the pediatrician last week and as soon as the nurse took his diaper off he started urinating! She covered it in time, though. However, at the Sam's house for Thanksgiving Grandma Melinda changed his diaper and before I could get the new one to her she and everything around him had been sprayed!
This isn't a cute story, but just an update. At the midwife's this week (it feels like he is always getting checkups...) he weighed 13 lbs 6 oz! On his way to 14 pounds and only 7 weeks old! He is in 3-6 month clothes right now.
That darn peach! I hate when that happens!