Sunday, May 19, 2024

October 2023

Here the pictures are backwards again! Starting with Halloween and ending with getting our house ready for Airbnb. 

Liam refused to wear a costume this year, but we did convince him to at least wear his bathrobe.

We went trick or treating with Charity and Lexi's kids around our neighborhood.

Our friends invited us to a Reformation Day party that was out of this world! I had to document this picture above too, because it's the first time Liam has ever agreed to color a picture by himself. He always wants me or the boys to color for him because he says we do it better.

The older boys nailing the theses to the door like Martin Luther did.

Nighttime reading

Mel and Melinda came into town since Lamoni was called as bishop!

Pancake breakfast with Dantes and Qunisa, who came down with Lamoni's parents.

Always a fun time at the children's museum!

This is a recreation of a photo like this of Peter kissing my stomach when Liam was in it!

I hosted a moms paint night for the women in our homeschool group.

One of the last Sundays of Lamoni sitting with us before he was called as bishop.

Liam alternates through toy phases. He left the trains and moved on to planes for awhile.

Pesto pasta at the park.

Liam's friend, Hazely, had a star shaped playdough cutter that he loved. Santa gave him one in his stocking!

The motorcycle lego set Benjamin got for his birthday.

Spending time with Grandma on their new couch.

Pictures of our house ready for Airbnb during Balloon Fiesta.

Watching conference and eating cinnamon rolls that Benjamin made 90% of the way by himself.

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