Peter: that's what dads do - bring joy and excitement into your life!!
I don't know why the pictures load backwards sometimes and the right way other times. But they're backwards again. So the month in order went: Olive's burial, then we broke down on the way home from her funeral. I had just a few hours to get packed and loaded up for our trip.... in the car that broke down. We ended up delaying our trip a day, buying a van that we partially regret buying because it's been one problem after another with it. Then we picked up Grandma Bear, drove to Idaho for Lamoni's family reunion, then to Lamoni's parents in Utah, left the kids with them, flew to Alaska for a couple's trip with some friends, back to Utah to spend a few days with family, and home. It was a nice distraction from all the sadness we had experienced with Olive, but also hard to have a good time when we were grieving.
Benjamin trying to finish his math work late one night.
We sealed Lamoni's dad to his parents in Utah while we were there and met at In and Out afterward with everyone.
Lamoni's parents have a lake down the street from them and we got to hang out in the sun and kayak. A very different than Alaska and the winter clothes we had been wearing only the day before!
Here are pictures from the plane flying back from Alaska. The glacier lakes were incredible. Actually, all of it was totally out of this world. What a neat experience!
This was on a glacier boat tour we took one day.
The owner of the bed and breakfast we stayed at made us a huge and delicious breakfast every morning.
We saw humpback whales bubble net feeding on a whale boat tour.

We went to the lake and county fair in Utah before we left for Alaska.
The boys had fun hanging out with Grandma and Bampa and cousins Dantes and Qunisa.
Late night games with the Sams is always a funny and eventful time.
Massive cousin movie night at the reunion. 23 cousins!!
Lamoni's sister, Deruchette, winning Liam over.
We went to Lava Springs hot springs and pool near where we had the reunion. It's beautiful country up there in Idaho.
Grandma's oreo game
Grandma Bear telling family history stories
Talent show night. Jared and Benjamin reenacted a song that Jason and Lamoni used to do from White Christmas. I couldn't stop laughing it was so cute. I had no idea they had prepared it.
Water games with Aunt Courtney
This adorable candy and ice cream shop was within walking distance of our Airbnb.
Deruchette and Courtney are so good to Liam!
Grandma Bear is always great to travel with!
Our new van.
We got new carpet while we were out of town, which made it extremely stressful to have the house emptied out while trying to leave on our trip (and the car breaking down...)
Jacob and Kathryn took us all to Azuma as a thank you for the help we had given with Olive.
The cousins sang the song at Olive's funeral that they had just sung at Grandma Bear's funeral
All 9 siblings came into town for Olive's funeral. It was a really sad and special time. I can't wait for Jacob and Kathryn to be reunited with their baby.
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