Friday, October 21, 2022

July 2022

 Peter "Everybody is red white and blue, but I'm red white and bluer!"

Benjamin while reading that Naaman's skin became like a little child. "Not this little child!" (he has terrible skin and always has).

Liam would be so happy with a pet. It's sad that we'll never have one!

For the 4th of July we met with some families in our neighborhood at the park, and then went to Rio Rancho for the 4th of July celebration since I was playing with the philharmonic at it. It was really fun that Lamoni's parents came with us and then my family met up too.

Watching the parade.

Grandma bought the kids a HUGE cotton candy.

Jocelyn cuddled me during the fireworks after the concert.

Benjamin's cute jack-o-lantern teeth.

Peter got big into working out for a while. These are his pushups.

Lamoni and I drove with Jacob and Kathryn to a conference in Louisville, KY. We went early and made an anniversary stop at Nauvoo since we went there when we were dating, newly married, and now our 10 year anniversary! We got to see the pageant, walked around Nauvoo, and stayed the night with Kathryn's parents.

We got up early and went to the temple before we left town.

We were at the bank and the boys did such a great job sitting in the lobby alone! I was so proud of them.

We got to do swimming lessons with Olivia again, and once again they learned sooo much.

Dantes and Qunisa came and stayed with us for a week. 

They came to therapy with us, and a swim party for our homeschool group.

And got pizza and had family movie night with Dantes and Qunisa, and Charity's kids!

On the last day we went to the zoo and biopark.

Liam fell down at Sunday dinner and got a bump on his head. His aunties took good care of him!

Liam has been in the dog stage. He's a dog almost all the time. Qunisa is holding his leash.

Here's Peter conked out on the couch again!

We went to the obligatory Isotopes game.

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