Sunday, October 18, 2020

July 2020

We spend lots of time in the car since most places ask that only 1 or 2 family members come in to shop. Liam doesn't mind at all!

Watching Wild Kratts in a blanket fort

We heart attacked Joy's door for her birthday. She's lived with us for nearly 2 years!

Look at these parrots that Benjamin drew!

We did a summer bingo activity for church.

Kathryn's birthday. They'll look great someday married with all these kids! :-)

Church started back 1 time a month in small groups (less than 50 people) for 1 hour. We're stoked to go back for the first time in 4 months!

We had Katheryn and Nathaniel over one day and they made a band playing "Paradise" by Coldplay (they had Alexa play it and sang/played along).

The baby rolls over to the kids' bookshelf and unloads all the books he can reach. Imagine when he's a toddler!

Lamoni and the boys slept out a couple times on the tramp this summer.

Peter is learning how to be a good sport when he doesn't win. :-)

We had a few family members over and watched the fireworks up on the hill across from our house. It was a site never seen before. I'm pretty sure people spent their $1200 stimulus checks from the government solely on fireworks! It was amazing and we had a 360 degree view of it.

Things are slowly starting to open up. It's so nice. Here we are at Shady Lakes on the 4th of July with my family. Benjamin had a good preview of fishing with Papa for Lake Winnie and he loved it.

We hosted a luncheon for our renter, Sabrina's wedding. There was SO much food, and only us and their Bishop/wife as guests, so this is the food *after* everyone had eaten. 

Peter has a special place in his heart for Sabrina and had asked about these cupcakes she had promised at her reception almost daily.

We miss having Sabrina with us, but really like Riley too, so we're okay with it. :-)

They asked us to be their witnesses (none of their family could come into town because of Covid...). It was such a neat, special experience! We were 2 of only 6 people in the temple, and even though the whole situation with the virus has been eerie, it was amazing in its own way.

Jacob and Kathryn watched our kids outside the gate for us.

Peter peering at them coming out of the temple.

Benjamin made this WWII plane from his head for his friend. 

We had a playdate with a friend in Bosque Farms with the most amazing backyard. They had a bunch of hammocks hanging from their back porch and Liam went right down for us morning nap. 

The boys also went right down for a nap as soon as we left. It's exhausting playing in the sun all day!

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