Monday, February 5, 2018


I sent Peter to get a diaper one morning (after I cleaned him from head to toe from oatmeal and boogers). As I was doing dishes waiting for him I heard water upstairs...I ran up to find this:
He had put the plug in and was filling up the bathtub while in it with his poopy (!) diaper on. He washed his body with the shampoo.

Needless to say, I keep the drain out of his reach now.

Our new home - we've been loving it.

Some of the faces I get when I tell Peter to smile for a picture.

Watching the Christmas devotional with Mommy, Daddy, and Faith/Jason/family.

Selfies at cello group class.

Peter was not a fan of Santa.

A view out our back window.

Such a handsome boy!

Benjamin's Joy School play

Peter, Benjamin and Lamoni all got the flu! It was a miserable 10 days or so. Lamoni missed a bunch of work between sickness and the holidays!

The best Greek tortellini salad ever.

Benjamin has been big into creating things out of paper. Here are some of his creations he did all on his own:

Grandma Sam helped with this one.

Lamoni's cool dance moves. :-)

We went to the Compassion Experience, which made a stop in Albuquerque. We followed a story of a boy in Ethiopia.

Peter must be Benjamin's brother.

A picture of Santa that Benjamin drew.

Teaching is dangerous for the cleanliness of my house. Cheerios from one end of the kitchen to the other! This was the same month a 9x13 pan was pushed off the counter while I was teaching. Think powdery white snow everywhere. There weren't even big enough pieces to pick up and throw out.

It got quiet while I was practicing so I went to check on the boys. Sometimes scenes I find are like this instead of the picture above.

Sunday morning preparation and Go Fish on our bathroom floor.

A peaceful morning eating breakfast. I love morning times with the boys.

Another "smiling" picture

This is the first time Benjamin has taken pictures of us. It's weird to us in a picture together!

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