Joy School is all over now. Benjamin's body sketch and self-portrait are on the right.
Joy School graduation. Benjamin was overjoyed to wear a cap like he had just seen Uncle Jarrett wear at graduation.

Here's my Joy School graduation! I was 3 and 1 month and Benjamin was 3 and 7 months. Do we look similar? :-)
At 12 months old Peter climbs the stairs to a slide and slides down all by himself (he turns around at the top and slides on his stomach). Benjamin just started going down slides on his own this year. Haha!
Benjamin goes most places dressed as a superhero. Somehow he got away with wearing his mask out. Usually he's only allowed to wear it at home which absolutely kills him.
Lamoni and Benjamin like to take their Sunday afternoon naps together.
Enjoying Uncle Michael home from his mission.
Probably watching Studio C
We got some nice daily walks in before it got too hot. Now it's over 100 most days this week. No walks anymore!! Hm, Benjamin has his mask on again. I just noticed that.
Lamoni and Benjamin went on a father-son campout so we had a girls night here and went shopping and then watched Nanny Diaries.
Father son campout. We combined with Academy Heights Ward so a few of Benjamin's Joy School friends and siblings were there.
He makes this face all the time and it is beyond cute.
Just hanging out at the zoo eating apples.
At the park with Katheryn. These two are turning out to be better playmates than Benjamin and Katheryn.
We had a bunch of cousins over at our house while Courtney and Mariah and Peter had fun with the babies.
More cousin time at the Sam's for Memorial Day.
We celebrated Lamoni and Peter's birthdays at the Sam's. Courtney helped me learn how to make a cute mini smash cake.
The birthday boys.
He tried some frosting but wasn't that into it. We had to encourage him. Then he started playing peek-a-boo and patacake (literally) and got frosting all over himself.
Opening presents
Sunday walks to the river are a favorite.
Benjamin has lots of fun with Uncle Michael...
Lamoni and Benjamin walked to stake conference. I think I was home sick. I have had 2 major sicknesses this past month!
At a cousin's wedding playing soccer with Courtney's kids.
Playing outside at the Sam's house is always so much fun.
Also at the Sam's house - Benjamin at 8 months old. I was so happy to see I happened to get almost identical pictures of the boys! The difference in their expressions totally sums up their personalities.
Sid (Mariah's son) was apparently hungry and for some reason Peter acquiesced!
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