Sunday, February 19, 2017

Christmas Pictures

The Randalls in our ward put on a great Santa show every year and invited us. Benjamin is so observant. Afterwards he told me, "That Santa looked different than the Santa at the mall" and then asked me to show him the pictures of both so he could compare them. I felt like he might be the psychologist on the Santa Clause movie who says he stopped believing in Santa at age 3! Peter was not scared luckily. It probably helped to have Benjamin there.

It was the Sam's year for Christmas so we spent a few days in Bloomfield with them. It was just us there so the kids got lots of good grandparent time.

Christmas movies and stories.

Helping Grandma make treats.

The Christmas play. Benjamin was not in the mood for it and would not be bribed or coerced into being happy about it either. The rest of the local family was there too.

After Santa's visit. We forgot the Santa gift in Albuquerque hidden in the garage but luckily JC Penny had a spare.

What Santa brought. He has worn it most days since.

Christmas was on Sunday so we opened stockings then went to Sacrament meeting and came back for presents.

After we returned home we had Christmas with the Lanctot side and got to see Aunt Kathy. She spoiled the boys with lots of toys - Aunt Kathy style.

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