Sunday, November 15, 2015


The primary presidency was in charge of putting on our fall festival. We decided to have a carnival instead of a trunk-or-treat and it was sure a success! I don't have any pictures unfortunately of the actual festival, but it was a blast. There were about 150 people there, and about 12 booths at the carnival. This is the side room where the judging of the chili and pies took place. I oversaw the judging and it was sure fun. There were 24 chili entries. 

The poor judges had a really hard time deciding the winners for the different categories because everything was so good.

Benjamin had fun at all the booths. They had ones for all age ranges - including babies! The teenagers ran it.

On Halloween we had dinner with some friends (the Bean family, her neighbors and Charity and Jarrett) and then went trick-or-treating with them.

Benjamin was the Swedish Chef from the Muppets. I had no idea who that is, but Lamoni has Benjamin infatuated with a 2 minute clip of the Swedish chef trying to carve pumpkins so Benjamin was all into it.

Treat-or-treating in style.

This is the only candy he got. Actually, he had a couple pieces the next day, but on Monday morning when he woke up early from the time change and was in a non-stop tantrum from 7-9 a.m. because he wanted his candy we hid it and he hasn't had a piece since. He asked for it that whole day but he hasn't asked since. I have no problem with it (I have no idea where Lamoni hid it, or I'd probably just throw it out). No post-Halloween cold for us! However, on the sickness note, Lamoni and I got the stomach bug a few weeks ago. It was awful. There is nothing worse than being morning sick with a stomach bug. I had it 3 times in a 2 week period I think. It's hard to tell what's morning sickness and what's a bug, but since I usually don't throw up I counted it as a bug. We almost took Lamoni to the ER one night because he was in so much pain and couldn't stop throwing up. It was a very painful sickness. Not even water would stay down. Luckily Benjamin escaped it. 

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