Sunday, November 15, 2015

Family Movie Night

We had our first family movie night in....ever. I realized last night that we have never sat down and watched a movie all together! Yesterday was a never-ending, endurance-testing day, so on our way home at night I stopped by Redbox and got a movie (we were in separate cars). Lamoni was pretty disappointed to see I got Cinderella. And even more disappointed to see that Benjamin was totally into it. "Where did Underella (Cinderella) go? Where did her blue dress go? Where is the prince? Underella has a pink dress! Look!" Haha. Anyway, we cuddled up on the couch, plugged a speaker into our laptop, ate grapefruit and pomegranates and let Benjamin stay up way past his bedtime. We thought he would fall asleep, but he sat there like the puppy on 101 Dalmatians who sits right in front of the TV the whole time. It was a fun evening. 

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