April - 18 months
I finished my shower and just then I felt the curtain open and a rush of cold air. I look over to see Benjamin standing there with a towel in his outreached hands. Melted my heart!
We taught him that Charity has a baby in his tummy. Given his current baby obsession, he talks about it often. We were in line at a store and chatting with an older woman in front of us (who had a normal stature). Benjamin unmistakably pointed straight at her stomach and asked "baby?" She told him "No, no baby." So embarrassing. How are we supposed to teach an 18 month old not to ask people if they're pregnant?!
He's weaned! Yay! It's so weird to actually hold him and not have him beg for milk. We left him with Faith and Jason while we went to LA for a business conference. We were gone Friday, Saturday and got back noon on Sunday. He still asks for milk, now a week later, but less and less often each day.
He says his name "Benman". One day at the church he went up to a lady and started talking up a storm. At the end he said "Dada bye bye, that's mama" and pointed at himself and said "Benman". He repeated this a few times. That was the first time I heard him say his name!
May - 19 months
Whenever I ask him where something is he immediately answers, "Car!" (as in it's in the car) It doesn't matter what it is or when he saw it last, it's always in the car. So we were in the once and I said "where is your water?" He quickly replied "Car!" and we both had a good laugh!
If I tell him "Say thank you" he says "Welcome!"
After a stake conference on making the temple important in your home and visiting the grounds with your children, we drove to the temple after his nap that day. He loved walking around and touching the temple. When he hears "temple" now he says "Temple. Jesus's house. House Jesus"
I was reading a book to him and he pointed at a girl and said "Mama." I told him she was a girl and pointed at a boy and taught him that word. He then (without any prompting!) pointed at himself and said "boy" and pointed at me and said "girl". I was so proud! He knows more than some adults know! ;-)
Our conversation today:
Benjamin: Wanna eat! Wanna eat!
Me: You want to eat?
B: Wanna eat water!
When I weaned him he replaced blankets as as his comfort go-to. He looooves blankets. If he's scared, tired, hungry, bored etc. he says "wanna blanket!"
I think his love language is gifts. He remembers everything people give him and immediately says who it's from. Michael brought him a dog pencil holder from Italy and it's not just "dog" but it's "Michael dog, Michael dog, Michael dog". He says things until you repeat it so he knows you get it. I have my mom pick stuff up from Costco for us when she's there and she recently found the fig bars that he loves and they had been out of. I told him to come to me so I could whisper something to him. I said "I have a treat for you from Grandma. Do you want a..." Before I had even said it he yelled "bar!" even though it has been a month since he had them. So now they're "grandma figgy bars".
There are so many cute stories. I wish I could write them all down but unfortunately I don't remember them all. When I hear one I think there's no way I could forget it because it was so cute and lo and behold...I usually can't even remember to tell Lamoni by the time he's home. :-/
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