Wednesday, January 22, 2014

First Christmas

Christmas day at the Lanctot house. Benjamin loved his stocking!

Our Christmas family picture. Benjamin was pooped! It was a little early for him...
Christmas Eve at Faith and Jason's house with Uncle Jacob. It's funny how his mouth is open in a bunch of his pictures!
More pictures at Faith and Jason's

1. This is our usually clean living room Christmas night! We left the next day for Europe so between Christmas presents and packing it was a disaster! We got the entire house spotless before we left on our trip, though. 
2. Grandma Lanctot (that's weird to call her that...that was what we called our great-grandmother on my dad's side) came over to save Benjamin while we were packing. She also braved cutting his nails since we had either been too scared to (me) or too busy to (Lamoni). 

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