Wednesday, January 15, 2014

2 Month Accomplishments

We got back from Europe on Monday (today is Wednesday). We've had a few early mornings with Benjamin getting used to the new time zone, but other than that he's adjusting fine! He's officially 3 months old now and Lamoni and I made a list of things he learned how to do at 2 months.
Making LOTS of baby noises, including screeching when he's mad
Grabbing things
Playing with toys
Fake coughing
Rolling over (only once)
Thumb sucking (he's always sucked on his fist, but now he found just his thumb)
Playing with and talking to his reflection in the mirror

While we were on the trip my former companion, Theresa Martinz Schmidl, weighed him on her baby scale and he's 16 pounds!

1 comment:

  1. I love the fake's my favorite! Eleanor still does that to get my attention sometimes. Benjamin is so cute! I can't wait to meet him.
