Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Europe 2014 - part 1 London

How Benjamin rolled:

In the stroller

In the wrap

On the plane - He did GREAT on all 7 flights. After one 10 hour flight we were waiting to get off and a lady a couple rows in front of us turned around and said, "There was a *baby* on this flight?? I never even heard him!"

On the bus

Here's a video of right when we arrived in London - a 45 minute ride with the tube from our hotel. We came out at the Picadilly Circus stop which is like our Times Square. Sorry the video is sideways. If you know how to turn it the right way please let me know how!

In front of the Tower of London

This was his favorite way to tour. Asleep. Facing out.

I just love his face here. Waiting for the tour boat in the cold!

Our baby is bipolar. These pictures are literally taken within seconds of each other. Big Ben in front of Big Ben!

1. Tower Bridge
2. Buckingham Palace - play Where's Waldo - or Where's Benjamin?


Benjamin is lucky to have already met four more of his great-grandparents. Here are Melinda's parents -
Kenneth and Georgia Rayburn (with the beautiful quilt that Georgia made him!)

And with Daddy's parents - Roger and Diane Lanctot. They came from their winter home in Arizona to visit for Christmas and meet the new great-grandbabies!


Here is a picture of my mom's parents - Benjamin will have to wait to see them!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

First Christmas

Christmas day at the Lanctot house. Benjamin loved his stocking!

Our Christmas family picture. Benjamin was pooped! It was a little early for him...
Christmas Eve at Faith and Jason's house with Uncle Jacob. It's funny how his mouth is open in a bunch of his pictures!
More pictures at Faith and Jason's

1. This is our usually clean living room Christmas night! We left the next day for Europe so between Christmas presents and packing it was a disaster! We got the entire house spotless before we left on our trip, though. 
2. Grandma Lanctot (that's weird to call her that...that was what we called our great-grandmother on my dad's side) came over to save Benjamin while we were packing. She also braved cutting his nails since we had either been too scared to (me) or too busy to (Lamoni). 

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

2 Month Accomplishments

We got back from Europe on Monday (today is Wednesday). We've had a few early mornings with Benjamin getting used to the new time zone, but other than that he's adjusting fine! He's officially 3 months old now and Lamoni and I made a list of things he learned how to do at 2 months.
Making LOTS of baby noises, including screeching when he's mad
Grabbing things
Playing with toys
Fake coughing
Rolling over (only once)
Thumb sucking (he's always sucked on his fist, but now he found just his thumb)
Playing with and talking to his reflection in the mirror

While we were on the trip my former companion, Theresa Martinz Schmidl, weighed him on her baby scale and he's 16 pounds!