Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Sleep Finally!

Benjamin has had two good nights in a row! In fact, last night (well, technically this morning...) he slept for 3 hours straight! A record! In return for that, however, he was extremely grumpy all day yesterday. I'll take that if it means we get to sleep, though!

 Here is one of the three times that Benjamin urinated while Lamoni was changing him. :-) On this particular time there was urine on the door, floor, his hair, chest and face.

Uncle Joseph came from Santa Fe to visit. Aunt Sara held him for 2 hours on Sunday so Lamoni and I could take a nap. It was amazing!

Aunt Charity and cousin Adelina. She would come to us with her arms spread and say "I hold! I hold!" stroke his face and exclaim, "Ahhh! How cuuuuuute!"

Tummy time with Daddy

Our first Family Home Evening with the three of us. Benjamin liked the opening hymn ("liked" means he stopped crying for it); we had a lesson, ate cinnamon rolls and watched a movie.

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