Tuesday, October 29, 2013


I know all parents think their children are extraordinary - and we are no different. :-) Benjamin could pick up his head himself since birth. At one week he could pick it up and look all around. Our midwife was shocked when she had him at her shoulder and he did that! Here are a couple pictures of him on his belly looking around (Grammy made the blanket for him):                                                                                               

We have to watch it carefully because he will also roll over already! He has rolled over twice while leaning against a pillow and once on a flat surface! Unfortunately I don't have a picture or video of that yet, but we're working on it!

He also starting smiling this week. He would smile last week but only in his sleep. Lamoni even heard him giggle in his sleep! When he's well rested and fed he'll smile while staring at us. It's adorable. He lets out a little coo and then smiles! Here are a few pictures of him smiling in his sleep:

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