Rebecca is 7 months old. She scoots and rolls around, and says mama! It's so adorable. She enjoys most foods we give her to try, which is a relief after how picky the boys were as babies. She is very curious about everything, and constantly has her right pointer finger out to explore. We joke that it's her insect antenna. She still doesn't take a bottle or a pacifier, but the first time we gave her a sippy cup with a straw she caught right on and does great with it! She's a great car baby, although she usually fusses right when we put her in the carseat. She loves us singing nursery rhymes or songs with actions. She adores other babies and is very social. When she's upset or excited she does an extremely high pitched shrill squeal, which is very effective in getting whatever she wants. Everyone around her will bend over backwards to make her stop! She is intrigued with my earrings and will jerk my head to the side to check out what I'm wearing. Even if I don't have earrings on she remembers and will check my ears for them.
Sunday, January 26, 2025
September 2024
Grandma and Papa are great entertainers during church.
Sunday school naptime in the mother's room.
To prepare for renting our house out during Balloon Fiesta we did "Mom and Pop Theater" with the boys. Lamoni did it as a kid and has always wanted to replicate it with the boys. Perfect opportunity! We had a list of chores to earn fake money and the boys faithfully worked *all day*. At night we got Chinese food, a whole bunch of junk food we would normally never get, made fancy movie tickets, and set up shop. They got SO much done!
9 month checkup
Rebecca checks the bins for toys she's looking for.
Making a hopscotch
Benjamin is doing orchestra this year. It's super duper easy music, but he's enjoying it, and I'm glad he's getting used to orchestra rules before it's competitive.
Hanging out while the boys are in a class.
Much more room
Liam loves to bake with me.
First time sitting in the shopping cart.
Lamoni sent off a missionary and got a cool Lei!
I'm usually not big into buying clothes just because, but it's different with Rebecca!
Heading back to Colorado for the first Lanctot reunion outside of Minnesota. 6 hours of driving was so much better than 24!
Sisters walk - we were missing Kathryn and Audrey!
Lamoni took these three musketeers to hunt down some pickleball paddles from the lodge.
Lots and lots of pool time in the nice warm pools.
We all drove up to an amazing ghost town and explored for the day.
All the grandkids. The teddy bear is filling in for Olive.
Playing in the natural hot springs in the river.
My dad managed to do some fishing.
We drove to Denver afterwards and stopped at a cute Italian restaurant. Some nice anonymous man paid for our meal!
We went to the Natural History museum there, which we definitely want to go back to, and Lamoni and Benjamin visited an airplane show.
I'm not seeing how to easily rotate this picture, but it's notable because it's one of Liam's very first drawings! He usually won't draw - he'll just dictate to the boys what he wants drawn.
Becca will ignore the baby toys I take out for her, scoot to the toy bins and pull them down til she finds the superheroes.
Our homeschool group went to a historical farm. Here they are in the school house.
The boys did a test to see which toy she would go for.
I bring Liam and Rebecca to Explora children's museum every week while the older boys are at their art class.
My mom started Grandma museum days, where she takes all 6 kids to a museum!
Our homeschool camping trip. We went to the Fouth of July Campground. It was the most remote place I have camped before!
One of Peter's sketches and paintings he did at art class.
This is me trying to fold laundry with Rebecca. She makes it pretty tricky!
Jane Seader is soo good with Liam! Here she is escorting him into the primary program practice since he refused to go in. It was the first primary program he has sat on the stand for! He wouldn't give his speaking part, but I did see him singing a few times.
Folding hundreds and hundreds of luminaria bags for Benjamin's orchestra fundraiser.
This is Benjamin's last primary program.
We celebrated his birthday early since we'd be out of town for it.
We walked around Breckenridge on our way to Denver.
Here's the airplane show Benjamin and Lamoni went to in Denver.
Lamoni makes such yummy and beautiful pies.
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