I'm not sure which of the boys drew this. Peter's drawings are starting to get advanced enough that I mix them up!
In and Out Burger on our trip to California
Lamoni's sister, Courtney, invited us to San Diego with them for a week. We had such a great time hanging out with them.
I was pretty morning sick, but pushed through.
Exploring some tide pools
We did a tour of the USS Midway. It was a big hit with all our boys.
This was the view from our apartment.
We found out with an early blood test that we're having a girl!
Joy spends time with the boys every week.
Benjamin did a season of flag football and dominated. He is really really good at it. The coach even gave him leadership roles to pick the plays that they'd run.
We hiked up to some hot springs. It was nice, but also stunk (literally) because marijuana is legal in NM now, and people were taking full advantage of that at the hot springs.
Peter also slipped on a rock on the way down and hurt his knee. He's really tough and rarely ever cries, so it's heart-breaking when he does!
There was this really cool cave...that we later found broken glass in. :-/
Hiking is exhausting!
We walked Joy's dog a few times while she was out of town.
Playing red light green light for Come Follow Me study.
Liam plays and plays and plays. He tells me "I just want to play all day!"
He can also follow lego instructions way about his age level. He calls them "structions" and loves them.
Family movie nights always involves pizza and "kid XS"