Friday, June 21, 2024

December Part 2

Our stake president and his wife came to visit since Lamoni was called as bishop. Liam decided he really liked him.

Christmas Eve dinner at Charity's house

Joseph and Kate came to visit from NY!

Me and Melinda came for a couple weeks at Christmas. We went to California Pizza Kitchen for a date one night. 

Lamoni made something like 14 pies around Christmastime!

Nativity play on Christmas Eve

Joy and Grandma Bear were also at our house for Christmas morning.

A lady in our ward made these cool personalized Batman blankets for each of the boys.

We went to my mom's house for presents with them and Grammy. Michael and Audrey were also visiting.

My parents went to Hawaii for a friend's wedding, so Grammy spent some time at our house since she was lonely there just with Ryan. We tried to do some family history but she was so tired and sick she wasn't really able to do any.

We hosted New Year's Eve. Grammy could barely get in the car afterwards when Jacob brought her home (early of course). It's on New Years that the ambulance came, and she died a couple weeks later.

The music leader at church gives lollipops for the kids to recite scriptures. The boys all run to her after church.


Sunday, June 16, 2024

December 2023

We watched Charity's kids for a few days while they went to Alaska. 

Jocelyn copies Liam in everything.

Here they're both doggies eating from a dog bowl.

My friends from church threw me an amazing baby shower!

I couldn't believe all the beautiful clothes and thoughtful gifts I was given.

We have just enough seats for all of our kids and Charity's.

Rebecca likes to hide her face. Here's her adorable mouth and chin though.

Benjamin performed with Stella at church.

We went on a date night to a Mediterranean restaurant and the food looked amazing.

Liam helping me make waffles.

Liam can build this bridge all on his own!

Reading books I got from my baby shower.

Joy watches the boys every Wednesday night and reads Harry Potter  to them.

Christmas party and Santa visit at church.

Grammy got here the day of our church Christmas party and she was not doing well at all. She couldn't get up much, but managed to get up to oversee decorating my parents' tree for a couple minutes.

Benjamin was able to help me so much with the cranberry bread I make for everyone. 

Faith's family came to visit but got a stomach bug on their way down, so they stayed in my parents' addition until they felt better.

We went to the zoo with Faith's family.

Telling Santa what he wanted was huge progress for Liam.

There's a house in Albuquerque that goes all out decorating and gathers donations all year to give every child who visits a gift.

Michael and Audrey came to visit to introduce us to baby Eve.

Friends of ours host cookie decorating every year at their house. It's so nice to not have to do it. 

We took grandma, bampa, and grandma bear to look at Christmas lights.

Grandma and Eve

Michael and Joseph have too much fun together.

One of the last pictures I got of Grammy before she passed away. She was so miserable and sick poor thing.