This is so long ago that I'm not sure what to write! Here's a photo dump, though.
Benjamin's favorite way to start his morning work is by reading.
Liam has made so much progress in his friendliness.
He also decided he likes baths again.
...and playing legos. I.e. yelling at the boys to find certain pieces he needs then dictating to them what and how to make it.
Faith and her kids came for Thanksgiving!
Benjamin sadly got an earache while his cousins were here. It's a yearly tradition for him not to feel well at Thanksgiving! Just him, though. The other boys are fine.
Lamoni's perfect apple pie.
Charity hosted Thanksgiving as usual.
Nathaniel gave his cello twinkle recital after dinner, then all the kids got a chance to perform.
The the 3 of us sight-read a beautiful Christmas song.
Grammy came to visit and we got a lot of family history time in. Here Faith is playing for her.
The social media people for church in our area asked Benjamin to share something on Facebook for Christmas and he drew this stunning Nativity scene.
Liam's fetish for feet continues.
He and Brookie are good friends!
Checking his height at Urban Air
We had Liam's birthday party at the park in our neighborhood. It was so fun with how many family members were in town for Thanksgiving, and the friends who also happened to be in town!
He got so many toys and looooves them all!
Benjamin made and decorated his Cars cake.
Benjamin creates art in everything.
This is Liam recreating a picture he saw just like this from when he was 1 year old.
One of the boys must've taken this.
Practicing "viola"
Peter is becoming quite the artist!
Watching a movie at Sabrina and Riley's house one night while we stayed up til midnight playing games.
The Christmas tree has to come out before Thanksgiving of course.
The boys participated in the annual Charlotte Mason homeschool group craft fair and banked it!
Bugarium at the Botanic Gardens
This is at the Thursday homeschool group we go to. These two have sooo much fun together.
Benjamin enlisted Katheryn and Nathaniel to help prepare for the craft fair.
This is how Liam greeted me one more coming back from seminary.
Practicing is hard sometimes!!
We had family pictures taken near the river. Liam wasn't having it because it was at 8 a.m. and about 34 degrees, but we still got some great pictures!
My mom decided she's the museum grandma, so it's a fun treat for the boys to be picked up in the back of the Tesla and go on adventures. Lately they've been to the Nuclear Museum, the Rattlesnake Museum, and Meow Wolf in Santa Fe.
I don't know how these two manage to get good sleep together. They fall asleep in the guest room so Liam can go to sleep on his own, and then we move them in after Liam is asleep, because they all like to sleep in the same room.
Peter is still in the costume stage.
More craft fair prep.
At Ninja Force
Liam posing at the park.
The boys turn the treadmill on and then pretend their driving a plane or racecar.
Lamoni took a day off work to bring the boys to the reservation to get Peter and Liam's Certificate of Indian Blood.
Liam builds incredible train villages. I'm sure he had help with these Lincoln log houses, though.
Lamoni went hunting for elk with my brothers and dad (and Jarrett). They got 3 elk this season and lots of good stories.
More pies from Lamoni - these ones are cranberry apple.
The boys did a 2 month trial at a martial arts school.
More performances for Grammy.
A visit to the temple.
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