Sunday, February 20, 2022


This is what the boys did with all their Halloween candy. They left it out on the tramp and when I was teaching in the afternoon and they played outside they had a snack all ready!

Dreaming of cold weather. It stayed mild all through December!

Getting ready for our homeschool group craft fair.

I won a jar of peanut M&Ms at a baby shower and the boys helped themselves.

Almost every day is a new costume.

The boys took a PE class at a park. Liam and I would hang out at the playground. He preferred to sit with me and watch the boys over playing.

More craft fair prep. It kind of overtook our life for a few weeks.

Eating popcorn at Urban Air

Going through the car wash.

Our table at the craft fair!

Liam goes everywhere with this "bus".

Lamoni likes to eat well.

Movie night with my dad, Ryan and Joy (I was probably upstairs practicing during it...)

"Alexa, play..." then the boys will jump in and tell Alexa what to play since she can't understand Liam.

Acting out John baptizing Jesus.

Jesus pulling Peter up out of the water

I'm not sure who that is on the left but it's Joseph Smith in Liberty Jail on the right - note the sun rays, just like in the famous picture.

Hanging out in the bathroom during church.

Benjamin wanted to make Liam's birthday cake and did a great job! Liam has been obsessed with busses so he drew one.

Liam's birthday party (we combined with Sunday dinner)

My mom gave this dog to Liam. It was supposed to talk and walk but didn't. We couldn't return it, though, because it replaced his bus and he now goes everywhere with it!

The boys go to Joy's house once a week to read Harry Potter.

Sometimes Liam gets a little grumpy...

When my mom saw the birthday cake Benjamin made for Liam, she commissioned Benjamin to make a cake for Ryan's Eagle Scout Ceremony. Look at that eagle!!

Playing Cashflow after Sunday dinner.

Joseph came to visit after he went hunting with the boys.

Liam is almost always a dog since he got that dog from my mom.

The side glance - one of his signature faces.

Lamoni got to baptize Victor, a friend we made a few years ago!

Lamoni spoils Liam and gives him a full body rub-down with lotion when he gets him ready at night.

We watched Charity's kids for a couple hours. It was her first time leaving Jocelyn and the kids all enjoyed taking a turn feeding her.